32% Rise in Hacks, says Google

A while ago this Google pointed out that the number of hacked websites is up 32% and still rising. That rise is not expected to end anytime soon.

There is always a "chance", that your website will be among them because what they want is your software; the site-matter is irrelevant. Hackers get more aggressive every day and when outdated web software is used, their work becomes easier by the minute.

So how do those pesky hackers get into your site? 

Compromised passwords
Hackers can use any server (including your Wi-Fi thermostat or lightbulb in your kids' rooms) to attack any website. Using a strong password is key. Keeping the hackers from trying in the first place is something we can do for you. Our recent newsletter to this effect meant that numerous websites were safe from this particular attack. 

Insecure themes, templates and extensions
While you may trust the website where you download a free theme or plugin (ie Wordpress), the site itself may have been compromised and malicious code may have been added to your product. When you install it on your site, all the hacker has to do is find your site. With thermostats and routers all over the world capable of doing the search, your site WILL come up. It's just a matter of time. Often hacks lay dormant for months before they are exploited. And when they are, it is often too late. Further more with template systems being so readily available and FREE hackers too download them to test exploitations then find similar versions online and run the exploits.

Social engineering 
This is one where many people state that they are not vulnerable. You get an email saying that your package is ready for delivery; just click the link in the email to schedule for it. One click is all it takes to get you in trouble. If you have no packages waiting from anyone anywhere, you may not click the link. But if you do, the temptation is very often too great to resist and your site/computer/server etc is compromised.

Bad security policies
This part is more for the hosting company to enforce. Weak passwords like "password123" or "dumbledoreforever" are simply not safe. When such passwords exist, we at Media Suite enforce the rule to update the password to something safer.  

Why Hack My Small Businesses Website? 

Most hacks on small business website are not personal. Throughout other parts of the world hacking is a business like any other. Firms are employed to provide "security" services and teams of professionals find websites all over and attempt to hack those websites to either build a portfolio or sell solutions to a problem they were able to prove exist. Some firms provide a more ethical approach and will not perform the hack but rather contact the web-master to warn them about the volnerability and sell the solution. Others will cause the mayham and force the hand on purchasing the solution more agressively. 

Either way, these are all great reasons why its best to have a reputable web developer support your businesses online idenity!

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