On April 21st, Google will begin penalizing websites that are not mobile.

This means your mobile search traffic could take a drastic dive, limiting the number of customers who can find your website.

What does mobile mean?

Mobile friendly refers to how a website looks and works with the small touch-screens found on mobile phones. While all of the websites we build are fully visible on mobiles, with no exclusions of content caused by flash or other non-compatible technologies, a true mobile website is one which visitors are not required to zoom in to view and navigate comfortably.

Why should your website be mobile friendly?

Today, 50% of web searches are now done on Smartphones. That is a LOT of visitors who may not be able to find your website once the ranking system takes into consideration mobile conveniences. 

Need help creating a mobile website?

If you don't currently have a mobile website you should act quickly.  Invest in creating a mobile version of your site now and maintain your position in mobile search results.

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