Yes, we are higher priced than many other companies.

The reason being, is that we are a custom website development company. Meaning, that we have built (developed and designed) the websites we sell, entirely.

The result is ultimately a better product and a product made just for you.

This is the made-to-measure suit over the off-the-rack. For many reasons, such as how difficult the content management system in Wordpress, Joomla, Drupel, etc., is to use. The management system that you see is in great part the same system your designer used to create the website, so you are in a very complex interface.

Template systems like these make development incredibly efficient for designers because all of the development is done and they can be made to look quite nice. But, the end result "Is-what-it-is"… it wont take long before you begin to see the shortcomings.

We actually plan our websites, code our sites, and create the systems that make them work; development and design. We can made it look any way you want and do anything you want it to do. And because the development is all done by coding the website, the content management system is really just that, a Content Management System. What it's not is a development platform that also allows you to create content. Therefore, we provide you a MUCH better user experience, because we have designed it to do just content and on top of that, your content for YOUR website. Very easy and efficient!

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